You know that we have been battling a rebellious computer. Several experts have tried to tame it but alas, it is impossible. Who knows what goes wrong with a computer? Though mechanical, they do have a mind of their own. Then there is operator error, of which I am an expert. Add to that the joy some get in sending stuff to slow, mess up or destroy a computer and you have the recipe for my computer's demise.
So this weekend found us in the stores shopping prices and comparing stuff I don't have a clue about. We finally decided on a 'good deal' and made our way to the cash register. As I filled out paper work, Jon was ruminating on this situation, the frustration and the expense . Then he turned to me brightly and said,
"We will just consider that we took a vacation this week and this is what it cost!"
The clerk was amazed and totally misunderstood.
" So where did you go on your vacation?"
" To CompUSA" I replied, laughing.
The clerk and the salesman both looked at us and commented on how well we related to each other.
"How long have you been married?" the salesman asked.
" 32 years" I answered, to the shock of both young people.
I thought to myself, 'and this is an example of why. Jon may fume and fuss but in the end, he is able to turn a situation to the positive side.'
Paul said," In everything give thanks."
I find that challenging but my husband's example calls me to follow him as he follows Christ.