Mother Mary Says

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Drive at your own risk

Today I risked life and limb to visit my dear friend Pamela. First, I encountered a farmer on a country road who didn't believe in turn signals. He thought that the road belonged to him and his cows in the trailer. He also was a firm believer in turning left or right without further notice.
Further along I was following an"Oakdale cowboy" who subscribed to the afore mentioned farmer's rules and with no prior warning, like a SIGNAL, slowed traffic to almost a stop before turning.
But the worst event happened on my way home. A pickup two spots behind me decided to pass on a solid yellow line and with an uphill curve coming. Well, I did survive, but barely. I was sure feeling hostile and wondered about a society where no one keeps rules. I, for one, like rules and have been accused more than one of being a 'rule keeper'. But rules are legal precepts made for our good and to be kept, right?
We tried to teach that concept to our girls when they were young. We got out a deck of cards and began to play 'go fish'. But there was a slight twist: each player could determine the rules for himself or herself. As you can imagine, the game ended quickly with raised voices.
God tells us of his tender love for us by the tender boundaries he has given to restrain us for our good. ( ten-der commandments) Like a loving Father he says," Don't cross a solid yellow line, you could cause an accident".
So I have decided two things after today. First, I am staying home tomorrow. Second, it's not so bad being a rule keeper. It could keep you safe.


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