When Jon set up the office several years ago, I purchased my first non- electric office accessory- a three hole punch. I have used it a lot and been glad to have it.
Recently I needed to use it again and it is AWOL. I have looked high and low, to no avail. It must be with the previously lost birth certificates. I hate losing things. It makes me feel so stupid. It also makes me wonder if I am becoming demented.
So, since I HAD to have something to punch holes, I set out to find one cheap. Micah and I tried Dollar Tree but they did not have any. Then we hit Target’s dollar bin. There was a cute punch that made leaf shapes. Cute and functional and cheap. Bingo!
Well, as you can guess, it did not work or I would not be writing this tale. It was fine on a single sheet of paper but I had something laminated and it was impossible for it to punch a hole. Since I was determined, I used the ice pick and was very fortunate I did not punch a vein and bleed to death on the spot. See, I really am ‘craft challenged.’
To complete the story, yesterday we were at the office supply place to get ink and I decided to pick up a cheap( I should learn, huh?) hole punch. They had one for $1.50. What a bargain! I rushed home to re- punch the ice pick holes since they were not very good.
Yes, you guessed it, it did not work well. ( They don’t make things like they used to. It sure was not ‘made in America‘)
If Jon said it once, he said it 10 times, “Why did you buy such a cheap thing? What were you thinking? Especially after the last one was a flop.” He attempted to punch the holes and only ended up slicing his finger before the whole thing fell apart.
There are several lessons here:
Keep track of your things. God never loses track of us. We are engraved on the palms of his hands.
Don’t get impatient. It makes you do crazy things. God is patient . He has a plan and is never in a hurry.
Use the right tool for each project. God crafts us individually for specific jobs and uses us to our full potential, never expecting one size fits all jobs.
You get what you pay for. God paid the highest price and got us! We must be of great worth to Him.
Maybe you can think of another lesson.