Do you trust me?
This is what happened today that triggered that memory:
Jon had a medical procedure that left him woozy. I had to drive him home, much to his dismay. Not only did this aggravate his dizziness, but it was driving his NEW CAR. It had gotten dark by the time that we left and the 5:00 traffic was bad. He tried to tell me which route to take but I told him to relax. Ha! Twice on the way home we barely escaped accidents as speeders weaved in and out of traffic or ran red lights. He was visibly shaken and almost frantic. I stated those classic words" Don't' you trust me?"
In a flash ,I saw my life as I face situations over which I have no control. Like Jon, I often plead with God to take another route or deal with the circumstances differently, more to my liking. And just as often God whispers to me" Don't you trust me?" I will remember next time that just as I had things under control tonight, in a greater way, God has my life under his control and he never makes mistakes. When I can't read his mind or alter it, I can trust his heart.