Mother Mary Says

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's all in the attitude

Wise King Solomon said it well when he said:
A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs it up.
As we were preparing for our brief get away on Monday, I laid out the outfit I as going to wear- a Levi skirt and favorite blouse. I chose the skirt instead of Levis themselves since pants tend to get tight around my 'sensitive pancreatic spot'. Comfort was all that I had on my mind for the 2 1/2 hour trip.
Jon innocently asked if that was what I was wearing. Wrong question. I took that to be coding. You know, where you say one thing but really have an underlying message. I took that to mean, I want you to wear pants- for whatever reason. The right answer would have been, 'yes, I wanted to be comfortable on the trip'. My answer, however, was not, as Solomon suggested, the gentle one. I huffed." Well what did YOU decide for me to wear.This is what I wanted to wear but I bet you wanted me to wear pants. I don't want to, but I might as well just do it and get this over with.'
Jon stood with his mouth open not sure what was safe to say.
He treid again. Well that skirt is fine but the bottom is a little frumpy. Maybe you can...."
I grabbed it and said, well you might as throw it out if I can't wear it. What good is it anyway. I will just hurt the whole trip. SO there.!"
It that was not enough, I put up the ironing board and ironed it. Jon thought I was going to wear it, but no, with great flair, I hung it up and put on pants.
In the calm after all that huffiness, I heard God remind me of Solomon's words and also of my prayer earlier that we would have unity and not let the evil one destroy our special time together. Now I had a choice. Be an agent for unity and build love or an agent to disunity and martyrdom. It was not an instantaneous decison but I chose to enjoy the man I love and our time away and not let what I wore be a dividing factor.
That attitude adjustment made all the difference and my pants were fine, thank you very much!!!


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