Mother Mary Says

Thursday, May 31, 2007


As I dressed for the graduation last night, I battled how I looked.
Ugly hands
Belly fat
Hair needs touch up with color and no time.
Well, you get the picture.
Who was I worried about impressing? Not my girls and surely not my grandson who probably thinks I am as old as Methuselah. No, to be honest, it was my ex. Silly huh? I sure don't know why I was feeling that way.
But, the Lord quickly gave me another check list:
Goodness- the quality of my soul.
Knowledge - to know God personally
Self control - restraint because I am thinking clearly
Perseverance - stand my ground when I want to give up. It's always too soon to quit.
Godliness - Christlike character.
Brotherly kindness- Love who God loves
Love- Love as God loves, unconditional
'Those things', he said,' are just as obvious to those around me as belly fat or ugly hands. And they matter more.'
God wants to do an extreme makeover and He intends to begin on the inside.


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