Mother Mary Says

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Gardening with God

I love gardening.
Deborah, who recently moved back to our area, is learning to love it too. I think it is the joy of seeing things grow. They planted pumpkins and morning glories from seed as well as four o'clocks and all have sprouted. It's so exciting.
I usually opt out and buy six paks ready to plant. I am trying my hand at a tomato plant this year but unlike my friend Bob, I did not try from seed. I guess I am sceptical about my ability to nurture such a fragile thing.
Have you even noticed that weeds do not need to be nurtured? For example, blow on the top of a fluffy dandelion stem and millions of seeds float out and find homes to grow quickly.
I had a dream about that. ( do you have weird dreams too?) God put a spiritual face on the dream saying that his passion is to see believers scatter millions of seeds sharing the good news about his love for all men and longing for them to choose to know him persoanlly.
'How ',I asked?
'By an authentic life- full of compassion and willingness to sacrifice time and resources for others with no agenda. As your Father would have said,' put your money where your mouth is'. Another way is extending those Christ-like qualities to those who value things very differently than you. Those kind of seeds will yield thiry, sixty and one hundred fold.'
I will have to ponder this and watch for ways to scatter seeds this week.
I will keep you posted.


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