Mother Mary Says

Friday, February 02, 2007

The other book

The other book I read this week is called "uncharted". What a good title for the story which involves an island in the Marshall Island chain.
Let me backtrack. Did you ever read C S Lewis' book ,The Great Divorce? It was about people who were in hell and the chance they had to go to heaven on a bus tour. It was an allegory but so profound, as are all his writings. The people hated it in heaven. Some never even got off the bus. Those who did said the grass hurt their feet. Others said that the light burned their eyes. They babbled about the things they saw and hated and hurried back to the bus. They never wanted to be with God and hated it now.
This book presents eternity in an entirely new way.
First off there is no 'death', you can't die even if you want to do so. That might seem obvious but what if you wanted to end your dreadful existence and couldn't do so?
Also your greatest sins are shown in living color , even those you only thought and never acted on. First, revealed to you alone but eventually to all who are there.( UHG!).
People talk about being in hell with all their friends. In this story, the characters were there with their oldest and dearest friends only to discover that they were not who they thought they were and they grew to hate them.
And there was incessant thirst that could never be quenched. Possible liquids that seemed like they would satisfy that thirst were, in reality, bitter, full or ants or so yucky they couldn't bear to drink it.
Attempts to leave, unlike Lewis' book, were to no avail.
Just two possible ways to portray the eternity the unbelievers choose for themselves when they reject God's offer of eternal life in heaven with love, light, healing, joy, friendship, family, and God himself.
The choice is obvious to me. God, with me now to face daily trials and then eternity with Him in heaven.
Think about it.


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