Mother Mary Says

Monday, January 08, 2007


It's a good time of year to evaluate my budget- that thing we all hate. Why do we hate it? It is just a spending plan. It is such fun getting in debt but hard work getting out of debt. A budget is the way to spell relief in this area.
Did you know that only 1% of the US saves money! Why is that do you think? Because you see things you want. You really can't afford it but you sure deserve it. So saying 'NO' is not an option. Just flip out that plastic and get it NOW. It is funny but not funny how those receipts take up so little room in the file but the lines on the statement add up so quickly. And if you only pay the minimum payment, you never pay it off. You probably will lose it, get a stain on it or get tired of it before it's paid for.
Years ago Jon and I made a pact that if we put it on the plastic we had to pay it off when the bill comes. But that still means that we are not saving but paying that money for things we probably could have done without.
Check out this statement:
The yearning is greater than the earning!!!
More of Jesus parables were about money than anything else!
Or how about this one:
If your income was the same as your spiritual life, would you be a pauper or millionaire?
So to add to my new goals, I vow to save some more each month, no matter what. How about you?


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