Mother Mary Says

Friday, January 05, 2007


This week I had a chance to get together with a dear friend, well actually two dear friends, but I want to tell you about one of them, Cristy. I met her about 13 years ago at church. She and her family were new to the church and Jon said, 'we need to introduce ourselves to them after the service and invite them to our home group. '
The family consists of Cristy, Robert and their two boys. They were dressed prim and proper, their children well behaved and they seemed to be the 'perfect' godly family. In the weeks ahead I got to know Cristy and found her to be a woman of the word, if you know what I mean. She knew the Bible well and loved to read and apply it to her life. I was and still am blessed to be her friend.
But within a few weeks I received a call from the Behavioral Center. Her husband had been admitted and she needed our support, which we gladly gave. It was a long process and I know that she was glad to have friends to pray with her and be there for the whole family. As an aside, her husband is doing great today and we are all thankful to the Lord.
The reason I bring this up is that Cristy and I often laugh about Jon's and my first impression that they were the perfect family! On the visit this week, we talked about it again. But on my way home, I thought about how rehashing that was not very uplifting and in fact, probably hurtful.
Just as quickly, God brought a verse to my mind:
Jesus has, by the offering of his life, made perfect forever those he is making holy.
That says that Cristy and Robert are already perfect. As are all who have called on the name of the Lord to be saved. Including me, the one who fails and falls and struggles.
I am off to call her and relay this to her and apologize for my insensitivity.


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