Mother Mary Says

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Retirement dance part 2

With all the medical issues, I have not been focused on the retirement dance. But yesterday it came to the forefront of my thinking again. You see, it was the first of the month, and time to pay the bills. I have a routine in this process. Gather the bills, balance the check book and then go online and get the job done. In just a few minutes, you have the money and dates entered and it is a done deal for the month.
But this month we have an adjusted income in terms of amount and the dates it comes in. So we sat to list it out and then I was ready to do things my way. I had no clue that my way was not the best way, the best timing or the right way .
To put it another way, I forgot that we were on that bicycle built for two and we both had to pedal together or fall over and crash. I also forgot who was in the front position, my dear husband.
To make matter worse, I got huffy and emotional and unreasonable. I know, you can hardly believe that of me, but it is true. Jon pulled the plug on the whole project, saying I needed to eat ( meaning that my blood sugar was low and he was not going to deal with me in that condition).
As I bowed my head to pray silently over my oatmeal, God spoke in that still small voice:
This is a marriage, not a dictatorship.
You are on a bicycle built for two not one.
This is not about you, it is about both of you. No marriage is made up of one person.
Your way may be good but not the only way. For example, you keep your gas tank full and Jon drives until it is almost empty. Both are OK as long as you put gas . So with paying the bills.
Unity is more important than being right. Jesus prayer with the disciples at the Last Supper was about unity.
Consider others as more important then yourself, that is what Jesus did. Don’t just look out for your own personal interest or ways of doing things.
So we are back on the dance floor in unison doing it seems the tango but hopefully I will lead my partner lead and we will become graceful once again.


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