Mother Mary Says

Monday, December 24, 2007


It is that cozy time of year. In a effort to control the heat bill we have moved upstairs to our guest room and turned the heater down. We have our family room and office up here too so we can be toasty for less.
We add to our wardrobe slippers, sweatshirts and I add a cozy blanket or comforter depending which Jon hogs first. Then I can happily read, watch TV or knit or two of the above mentioned at the same time.
I think that that is one thing I love about winter, being cozy. In the summer, you can take it all off and still be hot. No cozy garments or lap blankets then.
To be honest, this last year I have tried to get off my hormones and since I failed and have resumed them, I have chosen a lower dose and somehow, my body temperature has been permanently altered. I just seem to be hotter than normal, all the time. Now if I could just time the hot flashes for when I am the coldest, I would be happy. ( As an aside, I tried to decrease the hormones I was taking in the dead of summer last year, when it was 110. Fool!)
Anyway, the theme of this was comforters and being cozy. Did you know that God provides each of his children a comforter their rebirth? Jesus said that when He went back to heaven He would send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to be with us forever. We would never be alone again. That is about as cozy and comfortable as you can get! Don’t you love that????


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