Mother Mary Says

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Trusting in what

What am I trusting in? That was the question that the Lord asked me last night on my walk. I was still battling anxiety over my crazy checkbook.
God brought Psalm 20:7 to mind:

Some trust in chariots
Some trust in horses
But we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

King David was talking about protection in battle.
Some trusted in the number of their chariots.
Some counted on the quality of their horses.
David knew that only the Lord his God was worthy of trust and only His God was trustworthy.

God rephrased the verse for me:
Some trust in their checkbooks and some in their savings accounts, but the godly woman trusts in the name of the Lord her God. One name that came to mind was Jehovah Jireh- The Lord will provide. That promise inherent in God's name is worthy of trusting in.


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