Mother Mary Says

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


We pay our bills online.
Last year I went to pay the PG&E bill of $3.60 and instead paid $36.00. How silly of me. It did mean that I did not have a bill until fall.
Well, the inefficiency continues. This month I transposed the amount of our house payment and that meant that I only paid 1/2! Funny thing but not so funny. Especially to the mortgage company. Seems that they have to have the full amount. Imagine that!!!
It was not funny to the head of our household either, to say the least.
When I discovered the truth this morning, I felt as though someone had hit me in the stomach. Maybe someone wanted to , who knows. Probably me!
"How stupid can you be Mary?"
"Why don"t you pay attention to what you are doing? I thought you bragged about being the detail person in your home and family."
And other such recriminations.
But then the Spirit reminded that there is no one perfect except God and he does not expect me to be perfect. WHEW!
Why do I think or act or try to be perfect? That's too deep to deal with here.
But I do know that the lesson today was not 'shame on me' but that failure is a good learning experience- it defeats pride and the Lord knows I need that lesson daily. So I have had mine for the day, I hope.


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