Mother Mary Says

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Well, I knew that God would show up. First off, I felt such a sense of His presence since he is Jehovah Shalom- the God of peace. I was glad to hug my sister in law and spend the day with her. We walked and walked - probably 4 miles in all, with a nice lunch in the middle. Then back to the house for tea and treats before Jon worked on some of her honey do list.
But the neat thing was the way I got to share the book I had just read called Finding Anna. It is the story behind the song It is well with my soul. If you are not familiar with it, it was written after the writer, Horatio Spafford had just lost his three girls at sea. He wrestled with God about why he would let such a thing happen and God seemed silent. Mr. Spafford then took a ship to France to be with his wife in this time of grief. At the exact spot where the previous ship had gone down, he had the Captain alert him. There ,in the height of grief, God spoke words that both challenged and comforted- I am on the throne.
The song says:
When peace like a river attendth my way
When sorrow like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.
What a message for my dear Sister in law and for me too.
I love it when you show up so clearly God.


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