Mother Mary Says

Monday, September 25, 2006

Carpet cleaning part 2

This morning we were up early, well for us, moving the furniture and stuff to make way for a nice clean carpet. We moved things independently at first, but then Jon needed help with the 'green chair"( the one claimed by Ruth AND also Brian Long!)He wanted to put it up on the bed to get it out of the way. He angled it up on the front legs and began to lift, thinking I could read his mind about what I was supposed to do. HA! I had no idea.
" Speak to me", I said " I don't know what to do but I do want to help and move the right direction"
He quickly gave the needed directions, though I could tell he was thinking I should have just KNOWN what to do.
I am so glad that God does not expect me to guess what he wants me to do.
William E Yeager said " You can think God's thoughts after Him."
He was quoting I Cor 2:16 where Paul says that we believers have the mind of Christ.
How? He gave us His word to find out what pleases Him, what brings Him delight. He shows us how to live, how to live a fulfilled life.
I am so glad that he does not keep me guessing.


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