Mother Mary Says

Monday, August 28, 2006

What I am learning

Well, to make the last week complete, today the phone went out. So let's tally up the crazy things:
1. Shingles
2.Mr Tumnus dies
3.Hot water dies
4.Phone stops working
We are still without hot water, though Lowe's is to deliver a new heater tomorrow. I am getting used to heating water to wash the dishes, or as the English say, for washing up. Think of the electricity I am saving! Bathing, well, suffice it to say that we have not repeated the bathtub fiasco. We are joining the French in the once a week bath I guess!
As we pondered the frustration at lunch, we asked God to give us perspective. Jon said," Well, if the hurricane survivors could do it, we sure can. We are not that inconvenienced, really."
Paul said it this way as he rotted in jail:
" I have learned in whatever circumstance to be content. Whether well fed or hungry whether in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength."
So if I learn to be content through this, it is well worth it.


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