Mother Mary Says

Sunday, August 27, 2006

My body

I had a pity party today. I am so sorry that you were not there. Actually you are lucky. It was very boring and even I had to leave after awhile. I was feeling envious of those with healthy bodies and bemoaning my sick one.
But God gave me a reality check. A young gal in our church was shot in the back recently and left paralyzed from the waist down. We have been praying for her as a congregation. Today she had a pass to leave the hospital for the weekend and was at church. We were able to see her and hear from her and pray for her. Boy did that hit me ! I can walk and take care of myself so what have I been whining about???
The sermon was so timely- about the new heaven and new earth. One of the bonuses is a new body. No more pain, no paralysis, just a healthy body for eternity. I can hardly wait.


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