Mother Mary Says

Monday, February 14, 2005

Quite Contrary

Mary, Mary
Quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
I will have you know that I am not the one that is contrary. It is "the hydrangea". We bought it on Friday morning for the funeral. It was a lovely blue shade with several large blooms. We put it in the car and headed to the funeral in Sonora. When we arrived, the contrary thing was ready for a funeral of it's own. We set it beside our car to soak up the rain and proceeded to the graveside service. There was no way we were going to carry it over there to join the beautiful arrangements, wilted as it was. Besides, everyone would see we were the ones who brought that contrary thing.
After the service, we discreetly loaded the hydrangea into our car and took it home. We put it on the patio table and gave it another drink and forgot about it.
The next morning, it looked fresh as a daisy, if you will pardon the expression. We have half a mind to keep it and enjoy the luscious blue flowers ourselves.
Lo and behold, the next morning it was contrary again. Each bloom looked withered up and sad. That really got my dander up. It seemed to get dehydrated so easily. Another good drink and by afternoon it was it's perky self again.
God said to me" Pay attention here. People are like hydrangeas. They get thirsty and need someone to refresh them. Jesus said that he gave living water and those who came to him thirsty could drink and never thirst again. Not only that, they would overflow with living water for others. That's something that hydrageas can't do, especially contrary ones.
I will be gone the next couple of days but assure you I will come home with a good story.


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