The yarn tale
It was a red letter day as you will see. I stepped out of the shower to Jon yelling:
" You had better be really nice to me today."
" I am always nice" I replied.
"ell, today you have better be really nice."
"OK, I'll bite, Why?"
" The newspaper guy put more than one Michael's ad in our paper and each one has a 40% off coupon!"
To back up, I began knitting again last fall, along with lots of other people it seems. Anyone in the know, knows that Michael's has a 40% off coupon in the paper each Sunday. For cheapskates like me, that means 40% of a skein of yarn each week. So this was a windfall for sure.
On Monday, I planned my week, including my trip to use my coupons, planned for Wednesday when I was on that side of town. I had a vest I wanted to make and it required 3 skeins of yarn so I was all set.
Monday evening, as I wrote earlier, was a lesson in Bible Study about being a good steward, including how I used my money. God reminded me gently that it all belongs to him and I should consult him before spending it. Tuesday morning I felt God telling me that I was so use up the yarn I had and not buy any new yarn the next 2 weeks!
" Look at the money I would save by using these coupons this week", I argued weakly. Suffice it t0 say that I surrendered to the Lord's direction. The next day as I was on the way to my friend's house, I was tempted to go by the store and just look to see what they had, not intending to buy, of course. Kind of like Cathy in the cartoon, where she goes to the store to check out the Halloween candy on sale, no intending to buy it or eat it.
I successfully navigated past the store and arrived at my friend's house. I shared my dilemma and she held me accountable to go straight home, not passing go or collecting yarn. It was a good feeling to have obeyed and I was content to find so leftover yarn to work with. I was even more relieved when we arrived at church on Saturday evening to discover that the sermon title was "Who's holding your checkbook".
" OK God, I get the message", I muttered.
The sense of peace I had would have been enough but God outdid himself this week. A friend called to say someone had given her two huge bags of yarn and she wanted to share it with me. It turned out that my part came to 28 skeins of yarn! God gave back to me, pressed down shaken together, running over into my lap! ( My paraphrase of Luke 6:38)
" You had better be really nice to me today."
" I am always nice" I replied.
"ell, today you have better be really nice."
"OK, I'll bite, Why?"
" The newspaper guy put more than one Michael's ad in our paper and each one has a 40% off coupon!"
To back up, I began knitting again last fall, along with lots of other people it seems. Anyone in the know, knows that Michael's has a 40% off coupon in the paper each Sunday. For cheapskates like me, that means 40% of a skein of yarn each week. So this was a windfall for sure.
On Monday, I planned my week, including my trip to use my coupons, planned for Wednesday when I was on that side of town. I had a vest I wanted to make and it required 3 skeins of yarn so I was all set.
Monday evening, as I wrote earlier, was a lesson in Bible Study about being a good steward, including how I used my money. God reminded me gently that it all belongs to him and I should consult him before spending it. Tuesday morning I felt God telling me that I was so use up the yarn I had and not buy any new yarn the next 2 weeks!
" Look at the money I would save by using these coupons this week", I argued weakly. Suffice it t0 say that I surrendered to the Lord's direction. The next day as I was on the way to my friend's house, I was tempted to go by the store and just look to see what they had, not intending to buy, of course. Kind of like Cathy in the cartoon, where she goes to the store to check out the Halloween candy on sale, no intending to buy it or eat it.
I successfully navigated past the store and arrived at my friend's house. I shared my dilemma and she held me accountable to go straight home, not passing go or collecting yarn. It was a good feeling to have obeyed and I was content to find so leftover yarn to work with. I was even more relieved when we arrived at church on Saturday evening to discover that the sermon title was "Who's holding your checkbook".
" OK God, I get the message", I muttered.
The sense of peace I had would have been enough but God outdid himself this week. A friend called to say someone had given her two huge bags of yarn and she wanted to share it with me. It turned out that my part came to 28 skeins of yarn! God gave back to me, pressed down shaken together, running over into my lap! ( My paraphrase of Luke 6:38)
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love when HE does that!! Last fall, while at a conference far from home, I was on a limited budget. Said paltry budget coupled with my Fear of Lack conspired to rob me. However, Jesus, as usual, was gracious - proving himself as the antidote to lack and want, over and over and over -- which He does as often as I will let him!! :)
1) Wednesday, he told me to put $5 in the offering, so I did. Thursday morning, someone unexpectedly bought me breakfast.
2) Thursday night, he told me to put $10 in the offering, so I did. Friday, various friends bought my breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3) Friday night, he told me to put $15 in the offering. I balked a little, pinching my pennies until the last moment, but I didn't want to disappoint him, so I put the money in the jar as it passed by. Saturday, my breakfast and lunch were provided for again.
~ Ruth ~
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
That is a great story about the yarn and how God provides in ways we would never dream of.
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