Mother Mary Says

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Am I fun?

I was asked that question this week- well indirectly. I am studying Ecclesiastes. Solomon says over and over that life is meaningless and boring and like chasing the wind . In between those verses, he talks about how God made us to enjoy our lives. He sure didn't though he had more that most of us will ever see in our lifetime.
I could relate to boring. Today I cooked ,washed dishes and clothes and put them away. I took out the trash and walked the dog and opened the mail and paid bills.
Tomorrow I will do most of those things again. And the day after. Seems meaningless to me.
I decided I needed to think about the question, do I find pleasure in life- am I a fun person? By in large , the answer is, NO. I don't laugh enough or allow myself to be silly.
Then my favorite lady , Barbara Johnson, came to my mind and I rushed to one of her books to find her take on this. So here are some of her thoughts:
He who laughs, lasts.
A hearty laugh is a dry cleaning for the heart.
A good laugh is worth a millions groans.
Laughing is like jogging on the inside.
The most wasted of days is that in which one has not laughed.
So today I listened to a book on tape that is a funny story and I laughed and laughed.
You know, I do feel better and vow to not forget to laugh and have fun tomorrow too. Otherwise my life will quickly feel meaningless again.


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