Mother Mary Says

Friday, July 29, 2005

Give it a chance

Remember the hanging petunia that I told you about, done in by the cutworm? Well a miracle has happened. When it seemed dead, I moved to a corner so it was away from prying eyes, cut it way back and just watered it daily, sure it would die a slow death. But lo and behold, yesterday I noticed a few blooms. Then today it is full of blooms again!!! No one is more surprised than I.
Jesus told a parable about a tree that was not producing. The owner said 'Cut it down'
The gardener said" Sir, I will tend myself, pruning it and fertilizing it. Please give it another chance".
So the owner agreed and when he came back it was huge, with luscious fruit abounding. Sounds like my petunia,huh. Sounds like my life too. Sometimes Jesus has to come and prune me of self- centered motives, self-righteous attitudes and even hard-hearted actions. Then , after I heal from the pruning, I begin to bloom again, with the fruit of love, patience and gentleness or whatever else is the opposite of what was cut off. I am glad that he is patient gardener.


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