Mother Mary Says

Friday, July 01, 2005

Another funeral

I have been to too many funerals this year. The one I attended yesterday was for the same family as the one I went to two and one half months ago. First one daughter-in-law and now the other. What are the odds of that my friend, the Mother-in-law, asked? She asked God that question and His answer was 100% since I have a plan I am working out. Since she knows God well, she says she can rest in the fact that what God does is good for He is good.
But she added that if she had another son she would run as far away as she could. She could not go through this again.
Her one son, the one whose wife died two and one half months ago did the service yesterday! He made one statement that has stayed with me:
Heaven is not a place but a person- Jesus Christ! Know him and you have heaven assured.
That's enough to chew on for now.


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