Mother Mary Says

Saturday, February 23, 2008


I was up early this morning to take Buddy out , feed him and then spend time with the Lord before I crawled back into bed. While Buddy was eating, I laid out things for breakfast later, including starting hard boiled eggs. In the middle of the preparations, Jon got up for bread pudding! I headed back upstairs to read and called out for Jon to turn the eggs off before he went back to bed, which he did.
After a nice morning nap, we got up and got going. I hit the shower and Jon headed to breakfast. He opened the pan with the eggs and called out to me,
"Something terrible has happened to the eggs. One exploded in the pan but the other one is OK so I am going to go ahead and eat it."
When I finally got down to the kitchen, he was so right. Not only was there just a little crack, the whole egg was floating in disarray in the water. What had once been inside was now ' all hanging out'. Yuck! I gave it to Buddy and he was happy.
" I should have told you to remove the pan from the heat, I guess. It just go too hot and exploded"
What happens to me when things heat up in my life? When I explode, what comes out? As much as I hate it, the fact is, what comes out is that what is inside, just like the egg. So if I don't like the contents that pop out, I need to check out my heart, a recurring theme in my life lately huh?
Jesus said it so plainly" The mouth speaks from that which fills the heart."


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