Mother Mary Says

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cleaning my oven

The thing about cleaning is that once you start, there is no end to the dirt you find. My theory is, don’t start and you won’t know how dirty your house really is!
Contrary to the popular opinion of the family, I do not have a perfectly clean house. Have you seen the condition of the cupboard under my bathroom sink? Well ,don’t look. I try to keep it sorted but things just seem to jump around when SOMEONE gets in there to find the ace bandage or whatever.
And don’t even get my started on my knitting corner. It overflows with tag ends of yarn and patterns that are folded and marked all over , yet so precious to toss.
Then there is the oven. I use it a lot and I have not cleaned it in the longest time. No reason to not do it since it is self- cleaning. I recently discussed this with my ‘sister by love’ and we agreed we hated to use all that electric energy. I am sure that Ed Bagley Jr. does not have a self cleaning oven!
Deborah has a thing about my oven. She says I had better not clean it, as I have been threatening to do while worrying about having to go to the hospital this last week with possible appendicitis. Her reason? She thinks I keep my house too clean and she has said that if I die and my oven is clean she is going to mess it up! I am not sure why she has this fetish about my oven. Surely she does not think that I am perfect, does she? If so, she has a very short memory . By January 3rd of each year since I became a Mother, I have done something to cause my name to be removed permanently from the list of contestants for ‘Mother of the year’ award.
Sure, I try very hard to be perfect. I keep my house reasonably clean and picked up. I just don’t have the energy to keep every drawer, cupboard or closet neat and tidy anymore. That being said, I decided to clean my oven today after I baked the peach pie for the dinner we are going to. Seemed just the right time, with it hot already. Besides, my new ‘assistant ‘was vacuuming like a fiend so the timing was right. Now the top and the inside of my oven will match.
Jesus talked about my type of cleaning- on the outside only. He said that you have to clean the inside of your life too. Why? God sees the heart, not just the things we do to gain the approval of others. He called for us to avoid being hypocrites- play actors, who are one thing on the outside and another on the inside.
So, since my oven is busy cleaning itself, I had better go turn the heat up on those inward things that God has been speaking to me about, burning them to dust, so my character and my conduct match. Maybe I can make Mother of the year for 2009!


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