Mother Mary Says

Monday, January 23, 2006

The hair cut

The trouble with hair is that you have to tend to it. I have never mastered the curling iron. When I tried I burned my forehead. The next time I got my hair caught and have to have Jon almost cut me out of it!
I tried coloring it but that was a disaster too. I got Jon and my grandson involved. What a fiasco.
So the last two years I have had my hair done every 4-5 weeks. I love letting Valerie do her magic. She makes it look so effortless!
Why this tale? Well something interrupted my schedule and there in lies the story. I was due to have my hair cut and colored this Friday. But my dear son in law is having surgery and I will be sitting with my daughter to pray and wait on the results. No big deal. I just changed my appointment for the following week.
But I woke last Thursday knowing I could not wait that long. So, knowing that my daughter was coming to have Valerie work her magic on Ruth's locks, I called to get in the same time. Ha! No such luck. Now I will have to wait until the following Saturday. Ugh!!
This morning I woke from a dream that all my hair had turned gray overnight and I would have to go that way for the next 6 days! Boy, is my mind busy when I sleep.
But the rest of the story is the point of all this.
Ruth's friend, better known as Princess Dawn ,was going to come with Ruth for moral support. She decided she wanted a hair cut while there. I told Ruth:
'Fat chance.'
But she prayed about it all week and she did get that hair cut.
James says:
You don't have because you don't ask.
How true.
I have never prayed about a hair cut appointment.
Yet Paul says
' Pray about everything.'
Thanks Princess for the lesson.


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