Mother Mary Says

Saturday, January 21, 2006


The last couple of days I have had a constantly running nose. Do you know how much energy it takes just to blow and wipe your nose that much? I feel whinny and full of complaints. Why me, Lord? Why now? I had my flu shot , I wash my hands often and I don't go out much or eat junk food. This is not very cheery, to say the least.
Then I read this thought:
What things have I done this week to cheer God's heart? Have I consciously set out to bless him or just waited for Him to bless me?
That put a new spin on my grumpy feelings. So self- focused, as though life is about ME! Should I expect just good things to happen to my in my week? God does send rain on the 'just and unjust'. Today is my day, I guess.
So Lord, Master, let my new attitude bless you .
Let it rain, but could you dry it up soon?


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