Mother Mary Says

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Civil war

What is it in us that makes us rebel. You see it in the eyes of a toddler who has just learned the power of the word NO!. They use it over and over, growing in understanding along the way. It comes when he realizes there are rules. Before then the toddler didn't care because he did not know he was not supposed to bite the dog's ear, spit his peas or scream in the drugstore. But once it becomes clear that Mom has a rule to obey, it becomes just as clear that he wants to disobey it. Suddenly biting the dog on the ear, spitting out his peas and screaming for lifesavers at Longs seems so desirable.
This seems to magnify when a child enters the teen years, especially male children. Even simple rules are viewed as unreasonable. They do not see any positives in restrictions. This teen's life becomes a vicious cycle from which he never appears to learn a thing.
That reminds me of a dove the lives my yard. She calls for her mate,"coo,coo".Then she flies beak first into my patio door. The crash leaves her body imprinted on the glass as she retreats. She sees the reflection of herself and dives again, head first." Pop!" She staggers, scrambling to keep control. Then she opens her eyes, sees the reflection and " slap". The sad drama is repeated.
Sadly I see this in my own family, as a teen keeps hitting every barrier, rebelling at every rule and not comprehending that he's only hurting himself. It's a civil war in his soul. He will declare " I am that captain of my fate, the master of my soul".
He does not see that God waits with open arms to bestow His grace. It's greater that all this dear one's rebellion. Receiving it makes sense of the rules. They are a yoke of love.


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