Mother Mary Says

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Today my great grandson was born. The labor was a cycle of pain and relief, from which Alanah could not escape until it had done it's work- birthing blessed Jacob.
I am finding that grief is like that too. A cycle of deep sorrow and agony of loss and then denial takes over and relief settles for awhile. The difference is that there is no joy at the end, only the reality of loss.
Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. He does NOT say, don't feel grief, just not be troubled by it.- Remedy: believe in God and Jesus Christ his son. God is Jehovah Shalom- The God of peace. Peace in the midst of the storm. He is not calming the storm but he is carrying me, his child for which I am grateful.


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