Mother Mary Says

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Called alongside

Well, after a very HOT trip( 110+) we arrived home exhausted. Why didn't we go to the South Pole???
Yesterday I drug out the vacuum to suck up the ongoing shower of dog hair and was attacked by the hose. Well, to be honest, I tripped over it. The laminate flooring was not very soft and my foot and knee hurt like crazy. I lay there in a heap, trying not to yell out in the pain. I worried that I might have broken something and was home alone- far from the phone.
But, wonder of wonders, I was not alone. Buddy came running to me and stood there, close and comforting. That gave me courage to try and get up and I found, much to my surprise, that I was still all in one piece and could navigate just fine.
I thought about how he had come alongside me and remembered that the Holy Spirit is called the Helper, Comforter, or Counselor and literally that name means,' the one called alongside to help.' He guides and protects and encourages just like Buddy was doing for me. He buffers us from the raging storms of life, whether, emotional, physical or spiritual.
I have felt that not only in the physical, like when I fell, but in the emotional as I walk through this 'valley of the shadow.' His comfort is lifesaving.


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