Mother Mary Says

Monday, February 06, 2006


This week we have had nice sunny days and Spring is in the air. I love the changing seasons. Winter brings fires in the fireplace and lights all over town. Spring comes with the bulbs blooming and time to trade a jacket for a sweater. That gives way to Summer and where we live it gets too hot but I do love being able to wear less clothes and sleeping with the door open at night. ( yes Buddy keeps us safe from the bad guys). The summer heat makes me long for Fall and the golden colors . By then I am ready for cooler weather and the need of a jacket.
Each season has it's perks. And each one is a reminder of God's faithfulness. He promised Noah that as long as the earth endured that seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night would never cease. So each succeeding season screams that God is faithful.
The other day on the radio, I heard a song that fits in here. The gist of it was that whatever you are facing right now, it is only for a season. I like that, for like the promise of the physical seasons, God's faithfulness is seen in bringing the heat of trials to an end, time and time again.
So whatever you are dealing with, remember that it is only for a season. Relax.


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