Mother Mary Says

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Keep it burning

I was talking with a friend today about losing the passion for the Lord and the desire to be with God's people on a regular basis. Then this evening in my reading I came across such a good illustration that I had to share it here.
A young man went off to college and when he came home for the holidays he dropped in to visit his Pastor. In the course of conversation the Pastor asked what church he was attending? The young man had dreaded this question and answered that he had been so busy that he had not bothered to go and besides, he had not felt the need.
The Pastor when to the fireplace and pulled out one log onto the hearth. Then he sat back in his chair and just watched it. The young man grew antsy and rose to leave, thinking that the Pastor had fallen asleep.
The Pastor spoke.
" Did you think I have forgotten you were here? I was watching that log. It was burning so brightly in the fireplace with the other logs. But notice that once I pulled it out, it quickly cooled and now is cold."
Then he proceeded to instruct the young man in the necessity of regular corporate worship and fellowship with other believers on a regular basis if he wanted to maintain the fire of his faith.
I will share that with my friend and let the story speak for itself.


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