Mother Mary Says

Friday, June 24, 2005

Throw up

To throw up or vomit is to disgorge the contents of your stomach. Yuck. Just writing it is gross. Our oldest daughter seemed to have an inability to ever deposit the above mentioned contents in the correct place. We never knew why this was true but it sure was aggravating. If she made it all the way into the bathroom, the sink or tub became the receptacle, if she had not already covered the floor. Since these flu incidents were rare, perhaps they caught her by surprise and she was unprepared.
I remember an event at her Father 's house where she had been sick and was laying on the floor one half of her body in the bathroom and half out. He was disturbed but she refused to move, that way saving her steps .
The last three mornings our dog have taken up where Ruth left off. He had thrown up while I was still blurry eyed from sleep, We are not sure why but probably the fireworks have caused him to develop a gastritis! You know, the fireworks that are only to be available the 5 days before the 4th. Hopefully tomorrow morning will be uneventful.
As I have cleaning up the mess the first morning, I wondered to myself if there was a message here for me. First, throwing up is the stomach's way of getting rid of a foreign object( peach pit or rubber band) or tainted food. Next, it can be a sign of infection from a bacteria. Third, it can be from a an unknown cause but still a vital sign.
So when my life needs cleansing, do I throw up and out, negative thoughts and speech? Do I get rid of things that are foreign to a daughter of the King, like rage, slander, malice and resentment? Do I see signs in my life of a creeping infection of sin in my life that needs to be thrown out?
The solution for Buddy is a restricted diet, mainly rice, cottage cheese and the like. Perhaps I need that too when I find things need to be thrown out of my life. A diet of sunshine, meditative walks, good reading material and worshipful music.
Well, enough on this 'gross' subject.


  • At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good question. Lord know's I don't have the answer. It's said you shouldn't barf anywhere that takes anothers space... I disrespect this politically correct idea. Where does the answer rest? We are, only human after all. Everyone deserves there 15 minutes, whether its fame or just good ol barfing. Good luck.



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