Mother Mary Says

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Day of infamy

Today we remember that' day of infamy".
I was not even born when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Those who were alive remember where they were when the news hit, I am sure.
In the same way, my grandsons and all of us, too, remember where they were on 9-11-01 when the twin towers fell.
Where is God when evil strikes- taking a nap, powerless to control evil? What?
My faith rests in the fact that God is sovereign. Nothing escapes his notice.He can see the end from the beginning. He never makes a mistake. He is invincible, infinite, unchanging and self-sufficient.
I also rest in that fact that I do not have to explain God or his actions. I don't have to unravel his plan. Such things I can file in a mental box labeled" things I can't fathom" and leave them there until eternity.
The answer that Elise Wiesel, Nobel Laureate, gave a fellow prisoner hit me hard:
Question:" Where is God Where is he?" ( as Jewish prisoners were being executed)
Answer: " Right there with each one, suffering with them, Where else?"
That is the God I know. Immanuel- God with us.
To stop the evil on others is to take back the free will he gave us. But we can know for sure that in the end, all wrongs will be righted.
Can good come?
Eleanor Stump states:
" So, in an odd sort of way, the mirror of evil can also lead us to God. A loathing focus on the evils of our world and ourselves prepares us to be the more startled by the taste of true goodness when we find it and the more determined to follow where it leads. And where it leads is to the truest goodness of all- the goodness of God."
God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Especially when that evil touches us unfairly.


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