Mother Mary Says

Sunday, September 25, 2005


The other morning I was searching for the 'foot' to my bread machine. You can't make bread without and I had fresh bread planned for lunch. I vaguely remembered putting it in an odd place last week, but where? God was good to reveal it's whereabouts before I got too frustrated.
As I put the ingredients in the 'pot' I thought about how proud I am of my youngest grandson. When he spent his vacation week here last month we have' Rummel cooking school'. Among several things we made was bread. I did not use the bread machine since I knew he did not have one. We did it by hand all the way. It is a bit tricky and there are a variety of reasons that it could fail, which we covered. Here is the amazing part. He listened and remembered it all and have weekly graced the family with fresh bread.
Now I know that we have cooking genes from my Father who was a chef in the Navy and then my nephew who is also a great cook . I have finally learned by trial and error( my Father's lessons were disappointing to him where I was concerned). But it takes more than genes. You have to watch, listen and practice to be good. I have come to love cooking and now Gabriel does too.
But to me, the incredible part is that he listened to something I said about something that meant a lot to me and cared to practice it and followed through to make it a life skill.
Oh, how I pray that the spiritual things I shared with him make as much impact. Solomon says," Listen to your Father's instruction and do not forsake your ( grand) mother's teaching. They are to be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. ... My son if you accept my words and store up my commands with in you.. Then you will find the knowledge of the Lord."
That's the legacy I long to give my grandson, the knowledge of a loving God who is pursuing him to pour out his love on him.
Bread lasts a lifetime but the knowledge of God goes into eternity.


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