Mother Mary Says

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Coincidence or Divine intervention?

Have you ever had one of those days that you left late for an appointment and it got worse as it went? Well, I left in barely enough time, but felt I could make it. First the rain began and my umbrella was safe at home from walking my dog. Then I saw that they had been remodeling the parking lot and my usual parking spot did not exist any longer. Well I figured I could drive around and snag one. But not such luck. When I finally figured out how to get into the parking garage, I traveled to the top and no spot for me. Now what? I made it back down to the street, after going the wrong way to the shock of a fellow parking spot looker. I decided to try the lot across the street and was, by this point, feeling I would not find anything, or worse yet, the person in front of me would get the last one. As I crawled along, I felt impatience rising up, threatening a scream of frustation. God chose that moment to remind me that I had commented on Monday night that I felt God wanted me to work on persistence and patience! 'OK ' I said,' just not right now!' The before mentioned lady in front of me grabbed probably the last spot when I saw it, a space, off to my left and I could actually get into it!
In the elevator, I chatted with the same lady and epxressed how hard it was to get a spot. Once on the sidewalk though, I was puzzled as to how to reach the hospital. All I could see were chain link fences and piles of dirt and LOTS of rain. As I stood contemplating my next move the lady, whom I will now call,' my angel', crossed the street and walked into the other parking garage? That seemed odd, but I high-tailed it after her and found she led me right to the 'new back door' of the hospital!
My next hurdle was to figure out where the main entrance was and my waiting friend. Once again, God was way ahead of me, for just at that moment, my friend walked by and spotted me down the long corridor. Now you may call that coincidence but I know that God directed me all the way.
By the way, He directed me all the way back to my car too! Yeah God


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